Haswell Studios

Redefining Small-Business Website Design.

Transforming Traditional Small-Business Websites in to Interactive App-Like Experiences


Proudly delivering an App-Like experience to your website visitors.

wEBSITE Design

Responsive & Interactive Website Design.

Leveraging rapid AI-guided website design tools, our team delivers Beautiful Interactive Website Experiences and world-class hosting to 100+ Small and medium-sized Businesses.  Backed by 100% money back guarantee!

AI ChatBots

AI-Driven On-Page Customer Service Chatbot.

Partnering with Penspy AI our On-Page Customer Service Chatbot serves as a virtual agent for your visitors, answering questions related to your products, services, and industry in general.  Integrating with the ChatGPT API, we train your customer service chatbot to deliver a conversational experience without scaling costs or headcount.


Efficiently scale secure data storage for faster operations

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Additional Features

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Responsive Image Gallery

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Cookie Compliance

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TOS & Privacy Policy

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Interactive Experience

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Accessibility Integrations

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Google Reviews

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This process was so easy! Big thanks to you and your team for getting us online with absolutely no headaches and in such a short timeframe. We LOVE the chatbot and so do our customers!


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